Residents and GCC, engage over water crisis
Access to clean and safe water is a basic human right. Yet, the availability of water remains a huge challenge in the city of Gweru due to the deteriorating infrastructure.
However, Gweru Residents and Ratepayers Association (GRRA) conducted a virtual Water Indaba for residents’ inorder for them to discuss on water issues affecting the city as well as coming up possible solutions.
Fadzai Madzingira a ward 17 resident said: “Our families are at risk of water borne diseases such as cholera and typhoid, therefore council need to improve water supply. We have to walk more than 3 kilometres to the nearest water sources and at times we question the safety of these water sources,
As a resident, council should place solarised boreholes in Mkoba 14 and prioritise areas without boreholes especially high destiny areas like Mkoba 1, 19 and 14,” she said.
Locadia Mavara who resides at ward 1 stated that, council needs to follow the water rationing schedule religiously in order for residents to plan their activities as well as improve their communication.
“Residents in Gweru are not happy with how the water is being supplied as shown on the water rationing schedule. Water is not coming on the promised days and while, at the same time council does not communicate with residents, or update us,” she said.
His Worship, the Mayor of Gweru, Josiah Makombe said the poor water supply being experienced by residents were caused by the old water pipes that need to be replaced and also communication will be improved.
“I know the water supply problems that have been happening in the city. Our water system is now old particularly the pipes and need replacing. I hear you in terms of communication, I will make sure that the people PR improve and take note of this, so that the people are fully aware of what is happening in the city.”
“We are partnering with others to drill boreholes for us and for now we had built about 3 boreholes in Mkoba and some in Athlon but we want those boreholes to be solar powered.”
He said the creation of the advisory board will bring about good governance and sustainable economic growth in the pursuit of creating a sustainable prosperous city of choice by 2030.
“And I have also come up with the advisory board to help us with the issues and solutions to do with service delivery. This group has people who have love for their city. Sometimes we will be out of plans so we also want their help to create a prosperous city of choice by 2030,” said Mayor Makombe.
At the same occasion, GRRA Executive Director, Cornilia Selipiwe stated that, if the city is to have a viable and sustainable water supply system, it should have a well thought out strategy for this, and desist from depending on handouts.